SIXTH ENTRY 5/25/2022

It has been nearly six months since I've really updated this place. Since then, I have existed. Thinking of post a log describing the making of There Are No Doors Here . That particular project is the product of several projects getting started and abandoned since 2019(?).

FIFTH ENTRY 12/5/2021

I hate large Internet communities and want to be a net-hermit, and yet I always plot myself back in some large Internet community anyways.s



Made a few small changes to the site.

LOOK AT MY S O N, I've been molding him into existence.


Not sure what I'll use this little guy for yet. Probably for a 3D animation? I mean, I did start working on a rig for him, as shown here:


THIRD ENTRY 9/12/2021

Things seemed to have temporarily calmed down somewhat irl in regards to how my job is going, but I do have Internet drama somewhat hovering over me in certain circles- such drama reaching a point where I'm becoming more exhausted from angry people being mean to other angry people on the Internet than I am from actually working. It may or may not get resolved, but it will be neither helpful to myself or to the situation if I let it hover over me much further.

I'm not sure whether these logs are also transforming into a sort of web journal or a general Yuzzg blog at this point, but I guess I'll roll with whatever direction this section is organically heading towards.

Now onto the developments regarding my projects- I have updated this website to include an audioplayer on the main page that plays a track I quickly put together earlier. It's a bit uh...odd perhaps? I feel it works, though I will admit that I basically semi-rushed this out on a whim. I am also currently working on transferring a large amount of posts I've made in a certain place elsewhere into a new section that will be linked somewhere on this page. Most likely, I will trim out all of the edgier and more crazy posts I've made and focus on mostly archiving some of the journal-like posts and posts regarding the development of my various projects. I will most likely still post in that particular place, but if I feel like making a post that I'd be comfortable having up on my website, I will probably post it directly on my website from now on and link it. Though, they might get access to an early pre-alpha or alpha version of the game before random viewers, of this website will manage to get ahold of that.

I know I've done a terrible job at elaborating on much of the details regarding this game's content, but archiving a lot of those posts from elsewhere onto here will basically provide the needed elaboration. I frankly haven't found the energy to retype several yuzzgwalls re-explaining things I've already done and documented, so this archival project will be really helpful both to me and to anyone who may potentially become interested in the game.

Also, I am looking into implementing other weapons into my GZDoom-based game, but much more work on this front needs to be done before I can really show much of that off. So instead, I will at least show you humans one of Norty's sprites c:


Also, thank you guys for checking out my website- I really appreciate it <3.

SECOND ENTRY :C 9/4/2021

Over a month has passed, and I've made some progress with developing my game overall. There were a few points and technical farts down the ilne though that did halt more progress than deseired however. There was a point in time where I didn't add much to the game thanks to me attempting to integrate the Universal Strife Dialog Format into the game for very basic interactions with NPCs. Every single implementation I've attempted utilizing the Universal Strife Dialog format has failed to work- entirely in fact. Ultimately, I've abandoned attempting to implement Universal Strife Dialog format out of frustration and little help from the documentation that existed, so I'm opting to handle that through ACS scripting for now.

I've also added a new dummy npc, implemented projectile attacks for Norty, started working with a much larger map and large castle structures, and even fixed the placeholder hammer weapon to where it actually damages things now.

As I'm typing this, there's a lot of irl things that are causing me great stress and despair, so elaborating further on the details of my game's progres, and on the progress with my creative projects in gneral, will come to a short halt for now. I'd like to hope that things will get better soon and that I can get back to describing and posting updates, logs, etc. in a more oreganized manner, but awful times render doing such too difficult at the moment. My workplace has been really causing me to become more dysfunctional, and for the first time in a great while I actually broke down and cried today. It would not surprise me if I opted to abandon this job soon- hopefully to find another, but idk. :c


I still have a lot to polish on this website, but now that I've reached this point, I shall now describe some recent projects:

Firstly, I've been working on a videogame making use of the GZDoom engine and a custom IWAD.

Secondly, I will upload more episodes to the Most Wholesome Planet series until I hit a stopping point I'm comfortable with.

Thirdly, I've been working on this website c: There is still a fair amount to clean up, polish, and add, but I'm making progress at least.

Of course, there are other projects besides these that I will probably log here. And uh...that's that for now on this page! There will be more soon c=